

Board of directors

The Board of Directors is elected for a 2 year term, which can be consecutive, and is currently led by our Chairman and Co-founder, Sérgio Pontremolez. Its purpose is to discuss the company’s political and strategic decisions, as well as to guide and evaluate the performance of goals in order to create the means to achieve them, always in accordance with General Water’s Bylaws.

Executive Management

Matheus Mazzi


Production Engineer (Federal University of Ṣo Carlos РUFSCar). He has worked for private equity managers such as Lightrock, Southern Cross Group and GP Investments, as well as Centauro (company invested by GP).

Nataska Schincariol Pontremolez


Environmental Engineer (USP) with a Master’s Degree in Hydraulic and Sanitation Engineering (USP) and Business Management and Leadership courses (FGV). She has taken part in fairs, courses and workshops on water and wastewater treatment in the USA.

Thiago Forteza de Oliveira

Operations Director

Water Resources Engineer (Federal University of Itajubá) with a Master’s degree in Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering (POLI-USP), an MBA in Strategic Business Management (FGV) and advanced courses from Insper, TUDelft, and Unicamp. Works in the sanitation sector since 2004. Attended fairs, conferences, training sessions and site visits in the USA, the Netherlands, Germany, and Israel.

Renan Hiroshi Saito

Commercial Director

Civil-Aeronautical Engineer (ITA), he has worked in the sanitation market since 2012, working in the Private market (BOT) and the Public market (Concessions). He has a certificate in Leadership and People Management (INSPER).

Corporate Bylaws

General Water’s bylaws is the document that establishes the rules and regulations for its operation. It contains the rights and duties of the company’s shareholders.


The Compliance Policy is the basis for the development of internal processes and control measures so that the organization always remains ethical and adheres to legal standards.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is the set of rules and principles that govern the ethical behavior of professionals in various areas at General Water.